
ACLU v. Reno overview and updates

Document Date: June 27, 1996

Court's Decision Striking Down the CDA in ACLU v. Reno

The Decision

ACLU v. Reno Case Materials

ACLU v. Reno Trial News Updates

ACLU v. Reno Trial Testimony and Transcripts: Gavel to Gavel Coverage

Thursday, March 21, 1996

  • Ann W. Duvall, President, SurfWatch Inc.
  • William Stayton, psychologist and Baptist minister
  • Patricia Nell Warren, author and publisher, WildCat Press and YouthArts online magazine
  • Kiyoshi Kuromiya, director, Critical Path AIDS Project
  • Complete Transcript of 3/21 Proceedings (277 K)
  • 3/21 Highlights: After direct questioning by government lawyers, Kiyoshi Kuromiya, director of the Critical Path AIDS Project and creator of its website, explained to Judge Dalzell that he didn't plan to make any changes to the website even if the CDA were upheld, because he believes the safer-sex information he provides anonymously through his website is helping to save lives. more...

    Friday, March 22, 1996

  • Professor Donna Hoffman, associate professor of management, Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University
  • Robert B. Croneberger, director, Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
  • Scott O. Bradner, senior technical consultant, Information Technology Services, Harvard University
  • Complete Transcript of 3/22 Proceedings (212 K)
  • 3/22 Highlights: During redirect, Judge Stewart Dalzell questioned Donna Hoffman, an expert witness on marketing in cyberspace, regarding the impact the CDA would have on commercial growth of the Internet. more... Monday, April 1, 1996
  • Bill Burrington, assistant general counsel and director of public policy, America Online
  • Stephen Donaldson, executive director, Stop Prisoner Rape.
  • Andrew Anker, president and CEO, HotWired
  • Howard Rheingold, author and expert on cyberspace communities
  • Barry Steinhardt, associate director of the ACLU
  • Complete Transcript of 4/1 Proceedings (222 K)
  • 4/1 Highlights: ACLU associate director Barry Steinhardt tells the court that the prohibitive costs of complying with the CDA may force the ACLU to shut down its website altogether. more... Friday, April 12, 1996
  • Special Agent Howard Schmidt, U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (for the government)
  • Dr. Albert Vezza, associate director, MIT Labratory for Computer Science
  • Dr. Dan Olsen, Jr., Professor of Computer Science, Brigham Young University
  • Complete Transcript of 4/12 Proceedings (300 K)
  • 4/12 Highlights: Special Agent Howard Schmidt, testifying for the government, told the court how he would enforce the censorship law when confronted with a safe-sex information website that displayed an image illustrating how to put a condom on an erect penis. more... Monday, April 15, 1996
  • Dr. Dan Olsen, Jr., Professor of Computer Science, Brigham Young University
  • Complete Transcript of 4/15 Proceedings (140 K)
  • 4/15 Highlights: Appearing in court again for re-direct, government witness Dan Olsen told the judges that the best way to comply with the censorship law would be to block all possibly indecent words and images, until "questionable" material could be reviewed and labeled for adult distribution. more...
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