
Government Data About Searches of International Travelers' Laptops and Personal Electronic Devices

Document Date: August 25, 2010

In response to the ACLU’s Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking documents about the government’s policy of searching travelers’ laptops and cell phones at U.S. border crossings without suspicion of wrongdoing, the government has released thousands of pages of documents about the policy. The records reveal new information about how many devices have been searched, what happens to travelers’ files once they are in the government’s possession, and travelers’ complaints about how they are treated by border officials.

The ACLU's analysis of the documents reveals:

  • Between October 2008 and June 2010, over 6,500 people traveling to and from the United States had their electronic devices searched at the border. Nearly half of these people were U.S. citizens.
  • The devices the government searched included laptops, cell phones, cameras, hard drives, flash drives, and even DVDs.
  • Between October 2008 and June 2009, cell phones were the most commonly searched electronic devices, followed by laptops and digital cameras.
  • Between July 2008 and June 2009, border agents transferred data found on travelers' electronic devices to other federal agencies over 280 times. Half of the time, these unnamed agencies asserted an independent basis for retaining or seizing the data.

Below is an index with links to the documents received by the ACLU in response to our Laptop Search FOIA request.

Those interested in analyzing the data themselves may find these spreadsheets useful.

Customs and Border Protection Documents

Bates Stamp Range

Travelers Subjected to Electronic Media Searches, 10/01/08 to 06/02/10
A series of charts breaking down the number of people subjected to electronic media searches at the border between 10/01/08 and 06/02/10 by gender, race, and nationality.

CBP Directive: Border Search of Devices Containing Information
Aug. 20, 2009 directive detailing CBP procedures for laptop search and seizure at the border

Inspection of Electronic Devices
Fact sheet given to travellers whose electronic devices have been detained

Privacy Impact Assessment for the Border Searches of Electronic Devices
Aug. 25, 2009 analysis of privacy issues arising from border searches

Memo re: Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information
July 5, 2007 memo from Assistant Commissioner of Office of Field Operations to directors of same office containing strategies for "examining, copying, and disseminating" info gathered in searches

Document and Electronic Media Transmittal Record
Form to be filled out in the case of a detention and search

Weekly Musters, 2007-07 & 2007-11
Two memos re: Operational Guidance for Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information

Redacted email
Email dated Feb. 27, 2008, virtually all other info redacted

CBP Detroit: Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information [REDACTED] Standard Operating Procedures
Oct. 24, 2007 document outlining guidelines for border searches

Emails regarding CBP search policies
Two redacted email exchanges, one from Feb. 2008 and the other from July 2007, between CBP employees regarding detention and copying of electronic info

CBP Port of Anchorage Standard Operating Procedure: Data Image Searches
SOP issued May 17, 2007, regarding data image searches

Port of Buffalo: Reference Request #2(a)(b)
Email dated July 11, 2007 and attached document, both redacted, re: Examining and Copying Documents

CBP Miami Service Port Standard Operating Procedures
SOP re: Operational Guidance for Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information

Weekly Muster 2007-11
Memo re: Operational Guidance for Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information (see 000072)

Document and Electronic Media Transmittal Record
Form to be filled out in the case of a detention and search (see 000069)

Weekly Muster 2007-07
Memo re: Operational Guidance for Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information (see 000070)

CBP San Juan Field Office: Inspection of Portable Hard Drives
Jan. 23, 2008 memo with interim guidelines attached

Emails regarding San Francisco lawsuit filed against CBP
Emails between CBP employees dated from Nov. 2007 to March 2008 and attached newspaper article regarding San Francisco lawsuit

Muster 2008-09 Revised: Ensuring Proper Documentation of the Border Search of Information
Revised guidelines for documenting border searches

Memo re: Clarification to Ensure Proper Documentation of Border Search Information (BSI) in TECS Applications
Dec. 11, 2008 memo from Executive Director of Office of Field Operations clarifying BSI data entry procedures

Memo re: New Policy regarding Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information
July 18, 2008 memo from Assistant Commissioner of Office of Field Operations outlining new search policy

CBP Policy Regarding Border Search of Information
Border search policy enacted July 16, 2008

Muster 2008-09: Ensuring Proper Documentation of the Border Search of Information
Original version of 000125; guidelines for documenting border searches

Document and Electronic Device Information Control Records/Document and Electronic Media Transmittal Records
Over 400 filled-out records regarding transfers of information from CBP to third-party agencies; heavily redacted

CBP Electronic Media Reports
Several reports spanning from Oct. 2008 to June 2009, detailing searches of electronic devices; heavily redacted.

Correspondence between CBP and concerned citizens/officials
Several emails and letters between CBP and citizens/public officials concerned with the search policy's constitutionality and legitimacy

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Directive
Directive, issued 12/11/08, outlining the CBP Self Inspection Program (SIP)

Self Inspection Questions, Citations, and Guidance
Outlines questions that port directors must answer in Self Inspection Worksheets, and provides guidelines for completeing these worksheets.

Self Inspection Worksheets
Hundreds of completed worksheets and supporting documents. Most records seem to include several sheets: Self Inspection Guidance; Self Inspection Citations; Certification Statement; Approval Statement; Self-Inspection Worksheet; Self Inspection Researcher List; and Self Inspection Worksheet Audit Trail.

Self Inspection Reporting Results
Charts summarizing the "approved" Self Inspection Worksheets submitted between July 2008 and June 2009.

Custody Receipts for Seized Property and Evidence
Hundreds of completed records describing seized property. NOTE: Digital version is not in order by Bates number.

Memo re: [Redacted] for Child Pornography
Partially redacted memo from Assistant Commissioner, Office of Field Operations, providing operational guidance on electronic searches

Muster 2009-10, Topic: [Redacted] for Child Pornography
Seems to be same text as memo above

Laptop Search Policies and Procedures, Briefing for the ART
Sparse pamphlet including laptop search stats and bullet points on the search policy

Laptop Searches/Border Search of Information
Flyer that includes laptop search stats, an overview and history of the search policy, and challenges the policy faces

Standard Operating Procedures re: Border Searches of Information
Several SOPs detailing all aspects of the BSI policies (such as documentation, detention, transfer, copies); many of these documents seem to repeat in some capacity

Electronic Media Detention Reports
Summaries of detained electronic media; each report includes a "Current Electronic Media Detentions by Detaining Agency" chart and a "Resolved Media Detentions by Detaining Agency" chart (with agencies redacted).

Media Detention Narratives
More extensive but redacted accounts of media detentions.

Electronic Media Reports (Examinations/Detentions and Seizures)
Same as the Electronic Media Reports from the first production; fill in the date gaps

Memos regarding concerns about search policy
Several emails, many heavily redacted. Those that are readable seem to be from concerned individuals who have some sort of prior connection with the CBP employee they are emailing.

Laptop Inspections Legal, Rare, Essential
A press release from Jayson Ahern, Deputy Commissioner of CBP, clearing up "misinformation" about the search policy.

Border search/detention records
Hundreds of records which seem to contain limited information about media searches and seizures at the border. Much of the information is in code or redacted. Some records include incident summaries.

Department of Homeland Security Documents

Bates Stamp Range

Policy Regarding Border Search of Information
July 16, 2008 CBP policy guide

Subject: Border Search of Electronic Devices Containing Information
August 20, 2009 CBP directive outlining the electronic device border search policy

Directive Title: Border Searches of Electronic Devices
August 18, 2009 ICE directive outlining electronic device border search policy

Privacy Impact Assessment for the Border Searches of Electronic Devices
August 25, 2009 PIA addressing the privacy concerns raised by the CBP and ICE border search policies.

Hearing Before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security: US Customs and Border Patrol- Questions for the Record
[Partially Redacted] Hearing on Border Security: Challenges and Priorities of the CBP - questions and response, date: 3/6/08

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Public Affairs Guidance: Border Search Policy
Background, talking points, external/internal question and answer - detailed justification for laptop search, last modified: 10/23/08

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Memorandum for: Directors, Field Operations Office of Field Operations
Subject: [Redacted] Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information - outlined Three Phase Strategy, date: 7/5/07

Department of Homeland Security: U.S. Customs and Border Protection - Document and Electronic Media Transmittal Record
Addendum to the Dentention Notice and Chain of Custody Receipt - example document of traveler information detention

Weekly Muster 2007-07, Topic: Operational Guidance for Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information
[Redacted] Guidance relating to initial review, copying, transmitting, and retaining of documents, week of muster: upon receipt

Customs and Border Protection, Field Operations Program Analysis and Measures: Weekly Electronic Media Report
Data table of total media action (electronic media searches, detentions, and seizures), date: 4/29/09-5/5/09

Success Stories from Electronic Media Searches
Examples of successful search predicated upon searches of electronic media at the border (child pornography, financial, national security)

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Letter from Janet Napolitano to Senator Russell D. Feingold
Letter responds to the Senator with an explanation of the atuthority of the CBP to conduct border searches under Federal Law and addresses his concerns of profiling, date: 10/9/09

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Third Quarterly Report
Outline of CRCL mission, summary of complaint investigations/solutions/ongoing issues, CRCL programs, equal employment opportunity, period covered: 4/1/08-6/30/08

Homeland Security Laptop Search Policy and Procedures: Briefing for the ART
[Redacted] Key points, court cases, statistics, international threats, date: 12/8/08

U.S. Department of Homeland Security Public Affairs Guidance: Border Search Policy
Background, talking points, question and answer, last modified: 9/30/08

Border Searches of Electronic Devices
Detail of cases: child pornography, financial, national security

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Memorandum for: Directors, Field Operations Director, Pre-Clearance Office of Field Operations
Subject: New Policy regarding Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information - legal and policy guidelines, date: 7/18/08

U.S. Customs and Border Protection: Policy Regarding Border Search of Information
Sets forth the legal and policy guidelines within which officers may serach, review, retain, and share information, date: 7/16/08

Weekly Muster 2008-09, Topic: Ensuring Proper Documentation of the Border Search of Information
[Partially Redacted] explanation of new policy procedures (as of 7/16/08) for legally searching, reviewing, retaining and sharing information, week of muster: upon receipt

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE Policy System
Directive Title: Border Searches of Documents and Electronic Media - summary of policy changes, issue date: 7/16/08

Note for Assistant Secretary Myers
Subject: [Partially Redacted] Suspicious Files Located During Media Exploitation in Furtherance of a Border Search - issue report and background, date: 1/30/08

Note for Assistant Secretary Myers
Subject: [Partially Redacted] Suspicious Files Located During Media Exploitation in Furtherance of a Border Search - issue report and background, date: 7/19/08

Emails regarding border search policy
Set of multiple email conversations between DHS employees discussing talking points and statistics as well as the policy itself

Appendices B, C, & D
Appendix B outlines the border search policy, Appendix C is a directive titled "Border Searches of Documents and Electronic Media," and Appendix D is a list of laws and regulations enforced by CBP. It is unclear to what these documents were originally appended.

Border Search of Documents and Electronic Devices by DHS - Talking Points
DHS talking points regarding the border search policy

GC Confirmation Issue: Border Search of Laptop Computers
Memo discussing the search policy and outlining talking points and FAQs.

Field Guidance on Handling Detained or Seized Electronic Media from Persons of National Security Interest at Ports of Entry
March 15, 2007 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement memo

Field Guidance Regarding Border Searches of Electronic Media
April 16, 2009 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement memo

Emails re: Ninth Circuit Decision Upholding Suspicionless Searches of Laptops
May 2008 email exchange and blurb discussing a Ninth Circuit decision

Ahern Testimony
Email with June 25, 2008 testimony of Jayson Ahern, Deputy Commissioner of CBP at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "Laptop Searches and Other Violations of Privacy Faced by Americans Returning from Overseas Travel"

Email re: Laptop Searches
Email with attached list of laptop searches talking points

CBP Laptop Searches Op-Ed
Email with attached Op-Ed defending laptop searches

Policy Regarding Border Search of Information
Email with attached border search guidelines issued July 16, 2008

Border Searches of Document and Electronic Media
Two different emails with seemingly-same attached directive, issued July 16, 2008, outlining border search guidelines

Use of Border Search Authority for Documents and Electronic Media
July 18. 2008 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement memo

Talking Points
Feb. 22, 2008 email with draft of talking points about laptop searches

Procedures for Examining Documents and Papers
Feb. 4, 2000 directive providing guidelines for document searches

CBP signage
A series of what appear to be signs that might be posted at CBP checkpoints, warning travelers about various policies

Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers and Electronic Information
July 5, 2007 CBP memo

Interim Procedures for Border Search/Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information
CBP operational guidance (undated)

Document and Media Transmittal Record
CBP form to be filled out when seized media is transferred to another agency (same as first production)

Weekly Muster 2007-07
Topic: Operational Guidance for Border Search/ Examination of Documents, Papers, and Electronic Information

Untitled email
Feb. 22, 2008 email with CBP talking points about laptop searches

CBP signage
A series of what appear to be signs that might be posted at CBP checkpoints, warning travelers about various policies (see DHS000768-777)

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