American Civil Liberties Union
- Nadine Strossen
NY Law School
- Patricia Nell Warren (biography)
Wildcat Press
Patricia Nell Warren statement: As an author, publisher and youth advocate, I am disappointed that the Congress is still so recklessly and relentlessly pursuing a policy of trying to censor the Internet. As before, with CDA I, the existing laws of this country are adequate to protect minors. This law, if enforced, may become a vast dragnet of destruction, sweeping the U.S. cyberspace seas "clean" of all but pap.
- David Bunnell
Upside Magazine/
David Bunnell statement
- Lawrence Ferlinghetti
City Lights Bookstore
ACLU Banned Books Week: Lawrence Ferlinghetti
- Mitch Tepper (biography)
Sexual Health Network
American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression
ArtNet Plaintiff's Declaration
Addazi, Inc. d/b/a Condomania
Condomania statement
Condomania Plaintiff's Declaration
Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Members
- Bill Boushka
High Productivity Publishing - Jon Noring
OmniMedia Digital Publishing - Rufus Griscom
- Good Vibrations
Gabriela Sankovich
Open Enterprises, Inc.
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
OBGYN.NET Plaintiff's Declaration
Salon Magazine
Salon Magazine Editorial/Statement
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