ICE Extends Agreements Delegating Immigration Authority

October 15, 2012 3:43 pm

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ACLU Criticizes Extension of Failed 287(g) Program

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WASHINGTON – Immigration and Customs Enforcement extended its controversial 287(g) program with 62 law enforcement agencies in 24 states for 90 days (full list available here). Originally set to expire on or around September 30, 287(g) delegates federal immigration authority to state and local law enforcement agencies nationwide. It has been criticized by the Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general and denounced by civil rights groups for promoting racial profiling of Latinos.

“The decision by DHS and ICE to extend this failed program in spite of mounting criticism defies comprehension,” said Joanne Lin, ACLU legislative counsel. “The 287(g) program damages immigrant communities’ trust in local law enforcement by confusing the role of federal ICE agents with state and local police. It is time for DHS and ICE to get out of the business of partnering with sheriffs who use racial epithets and foster a culture of racial bias.”

On September 26, the ACLU joined faith, labor, immigration advocacy and other civil rights organizations in sending a letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano and ICE Director John Morton urging them to terminate the 287(g) program.

The letter is available at:

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