Ending Abusive and Biased Police Encounters
Police in the United States are empowered to detain, search, and interrogate people walking the streets or driving in cars as a tool for criminal investigations, without suspicion of criminal wrongdoing. And police engage in invasive, widespread, and often violent pedestrian and traffic stops against primarily Black, Latine, and Indigenous people, causing harm to the people and communities most targeted.

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What’s At Stake
The right to go about life free from police overreach and violence should not depend on the color of a person’s skin. By leveraging state and federal courts in combination with legislative advocacy, CLRP is working to better protect individual rights in investigative police encounters and help usher an end to racial profiling and racially biased policing.
The right to go about life free from police overreach and violence should not depend on the color of a person’s skin. By leveraging state and federal courts in combination with legislative advocacy, CLRP is working to better protect individual rights in investigative police encounters and help usher an end to racial profiling and racially biased policing.