Michigan's War on Women - By the Numbers

In June 2012, Michigan vaulted to the top of the list of states with outrageous, regressive legislation on women's health, placing a monster omnibus package-House Bills 5711, 5712 and 5713-on the fast-track to becoming law. If successful, the bills would effectively make safe abortion services inaccessible in the state.
This far-reaching legislation represents the biggest assault on women's health care in state history, endangering nearly all areas of reproductive health care by targeting doctors and women's centers in the hopes of shutting abortion providers down. One major part of the legislation, the War-on-Women Mega Bill, has already passed the State House and is pending in the Senate.

In June 2012, Michigan vaulted to the top of the list of states with outrageous, regressive legislation on women's health, placing a monster omnibus package-House Bills 5711, 5712 and 5713-on the fast-track to becoming law. If successful, the bills would effectively make safe abortion services inaccessible in the state.

This far-reaching legislation represents the biggest assault on women's health care in state history, endangering nearly all areas of reproductive health care by targeting doctors and women's centers in the hopes of shutting abortion providers down. One major part of the legislation, the War-on-Women Mega Bill, has already passed the State House and is pending in the Senate.

Here's a breakdown:

Word that got Rep. Lisa Brown banned from speaking on the House floor: Vagina
Context in which she said it: Stating her opposition to Michigan's War-on-Women Mega bill
Number of women who showed up to testify against Michigan's War on Women Mega Bill in committee: 90
Number of women allowed to testify against Michigan's War on Women Mega Bill in committee: 0
Number of pages to Michigan's War-On-Women Mega Bill as it passed the House: 45
Number of hours from when state representatives received the final language of the War-on-Women Mega Bill to when they passed it: fewer than 4
Percentage of abortion providers who would be impacted by this package: 100 percent
Learn more: www.aclu.org and http://www.aclumich.org

Michigan's War on Women - By the Numbers

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