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Caroline Fredrickson on Salon Radio, on the Constitution Voter Campaign

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September 15, 2008

Today on Salon Radio with Glenn Greenwald is an interview with Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU’s Washington Legislative Office. Caroline talks about the launch of our new campaign, “I’m a Constitution Voter,” our effort to get candidates to discuss constitutional issues during this election season.

Glenn points out that the Constitution does matter to a large portion of the electorate:

In fact, ample actual polling data has long disproved that common belief, and as Jim White documents today, a poll released this week by the National Constitution Center provides compelling new data that these political values could resonate among large portions of the electorate if a political leader chose to take a strong stand in their defense.

The Constitution voter pledge is going to be distributed to the candidates to show them how much Americans care about these issues. So sign the pledge, and make your voice heard. Show the candidates that you won’t stand for the mindless sniping and evasion of real issues that matter to us most.

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