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Letters from Habeas: The Grand Canyon

Gabe Rottman,
Legislative Counsel,
ACLU Washington Legislative Office
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May 6, 2007

We got this postcard from Habeas yesterday. The front had a picture of the Grand Canyon. The postmark was Flagstaff, AZ.

My Friends,The extraordinary view here has me thinking about time. Time is an impressive thing.It’s strange to imagine this great chasm centuries ago, or millennia, when it was a river, or even maybe a stream. Those long eons put my 792 years to shame.To be honest I still feel pretty young most of the time – maybe 600 at the most. But these last few months have definitely aged me. It’s not all the moving around that wears me out, it’s the uncertainty about my future, and this country’s future.I’ve noticed the web links and messages coming from across the country. It is overwhelming to see this groundswell of support for me. Thank you, my friends. Thank you for knowing that the principles we’ve lived by together for centuries are alive, and important and irreplaceable in the fabric of our society and our legal system.Though I’m troubled and a little weary from traveling, I am not frightened. I know that the gap between where we are and where we need to be is easier to cross than the Grand Canyon, and crossing it won’t take hundreds of years.If I could respond to all my new supporters, I would say one thing: Don’t give up. Don’t stop fighting. You can find me.Until then,Habeas Corpus

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