In the digital age that we live in today, we are constantly exposing our personal information online. From using cell phones and GPS devices to online shopping and sending e-mail, the things we do and say online leave behind ever-growing trails of personal information. The ACLU believes that Americans shouldn’t have to choose between using new technology and keeping control of your private information. Each week, we feature some of the most interesting news related to technology and civil liberties that we’ve spotted from the previous week.
Post-IPO, Facebook will have to make privacy investigations public [ars technica]
“But disclosure rules affecting publicly traded companies may force Facebook to reveal privacy-related investigations that it otherwise might have kept secret.”
See also: Facebook IPO: Privacy Laws a ‘Risk Factor’
Facebook Files IPO: What It Means For You
What Actually Changed in Google’s Privacy Policy [EFF]
“Unfortunately, while the policy might be easier to understand, Google did a less impressive job of publicly explaining what in the policy had actually been changed.”
See also: Google: Here's the real truth about Microsoft's privacy claims about us
Malcolm Harris' '@destructuremal' Twitter Posts Subpoenaed By New York Court [Huffington Post]
“Prosecutors have subpoenaed the Twitter records of an Occupy Wall Street protester who was arrested in October during a mass protest on the Brooklyn Bridge.”
Microsoft Slams Google Privacy Changes [Information Week]
“Microsoft wasted little time launching an effort to cash in on concerns about Google's controversial new privacy policies, under which the search giant said it would monitor user activity across all of its major Web services — including YouTube, Gmail, and its namesake search engine.”
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