Stop Mass Spying protest

NSA Documents

The ACLU long suspected that the NSA has gone far beyond its counterterrorism and foreign intelligence mandate, implementing a massive system to conduct bulk surveillance of millions of innocent Americans.

Last Updated: July 16, 2024
Showing 1617 Results for "%20PREFID"
FOIA Document
Office of the Inspector General, National Security Agency Semi-Annual Report to Congress October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018
Document Date:Jul 27, 2018
Release Date:Jul 27, 2018
FOIA Document
Document Date:Unknown
Release Date:Sep 6, 2017
FOIA Document
NSA Slide SSO Weekly Brief April 2013
Document Date:Apr 25, 2013
Release Date:Nov 30, 2017
FOIA Document
NSA Civil Liberties and Privacy Office: Review of U.S. Person Privacy Protections in the Production and Dissemination of Serialized Intelligence Reports Derived from Signals Intelligence Acquired Pursuant to Title I and Section 702 of FISA
Document Date:Oct 11, 2017
Release Date:Oct 11, 2017
FOIA Document
The National Counterterrorism Center Review of Proecdures and Practices Pertaining to Disseminating U.S. Person Information Acquired Pursuant FISA Title I, Title III and Section 702
Document Date:May 1, 2017
Release Date:May 1, 2017
FOIA Document
FBI Review of Title I and Section 702 of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Dissemination Protections for U.S. Person Information
Document Date:Jul 1, 2017
Release Date:Jul 1, 2017
FOIA Document
Review of Procedures and Practices of CIA to Disseminate U.S. Person Information Acquired Pursuant to Titles I and III and Section 702 of FISA
Document Date:Aug 1, 2017
Release Date:Aug 1, 2017
FOIA Document
FISC Section 702 Order Dated September 14 2011
Document Date:Sep 14, 2011
Release Date:Sep 13, 2017
FOIA Document
FISC Briefing Order Dated October 13 2011
Document Date:Oct 31, 2011
Release Date:Sep 13, 2017
FOIA Document
Government's Preliminary Notice of Compliance Incidents Dated April 19 2011
Document Date:Apr 19, 2011
Release Date:Sep 13, 2017