Reframing and Re-learning American History With Nikole Hannah-Jones
November 18, 2020
Thanksgiving is a holiday framed by our history books as a joyful celebration between those who arrived on the Mayflower to Plymouth, Massachusetts and the indigenous Americans already living on the land. In reality, the day had marked the end of a brutal battle where white colonizers attacked Indigenous Americans in order to take over and move in on their land. On At Liberty, we are particularly interested in re-learning and re-framing history to reflect the truth of what happened and the legacy of many American systems and institutions that are in reality marked by brutality and white supremacy. This Thanksgiving, we are pulling out an episode from the At Liberty archive that we believe has special resonance on a day like today. Former At Liberty Host Emerson Sykes speaks with New York Times Magazine’s Nikole Hannah-Jones about her Pulitzer-prize winning 1619 Project, a storytelling effort that centers slavery in the story of our country’s founding. We hope it also provokes you to question and reckon with the real meaning of Thanksgiving Day.