ACLU Comment on Trump White House Keeping Visitor Logs Secret

April 14, 2017 2:00 pm

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WASHINGTON — American Civil Liberties Union Political Director Faiz Shakir issued the following statement on news that the Trump White House will be keeping visitor logs secret:

“Elected officials work for the people and we deserve to see government business conducted in transparent daylight. This ‘Good Friday’ news dump is simply the latest in a series of efforts by President Trump to avoid public accountability, and it’s not the way to improve the people’s declining trust in this administration.

“Trump has bullied the press when they report on him. He has promoted the reporting of fake and outright false information. He imposed gags on federal employees in the earliest days of his administration. He has avoided disclosing his tax records, and he has avoided releasing information about his conflicts of interest.

“The only reasonable conclusion is to believe the Trump administration has many things it is trying to hide.”

This statement is online here:

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