ACLU Urges Court To Strike Down Prop 8
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SAN FRANCISCO – The American Civil Liberties Union, Lambda Legal and the National Center for Lesbian Rights today filed a friend-of-the-court brief in Perry v. Schwarzenegger urging Judge Vaughn Walker to strike down Proposition 8 as unconstitutional.
The following is a statement by James Esseks, Director of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Project of the ACLU:
“The Constitution of the United States demands that all Americans be treated equally. Proposition 8, which says same-sex couples may not marry, plainly does not do that. It is unconstitutional, and the court should strike it down as plaintiffs ask.
“Prop 8 is deeply offensive to the American ideal of equality. The laws of California are clear that same-sex couples deserve the same treatment under the law as heterosexual couples. Prop 8 calls same-sex couples "partnered" instead of "married" simply to say same-sex couples are not as good. But the Constitution doesn't allow the law to demean anyone like that. The court should strike it down.”
A copy of the brief filed today is available here.
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