FBI spied on Fox News reporter, accused him of crime (latimes.com)
The FBI collected a Fox News correspondent’s phone call data, e-mails and State Department visits while investigating a national security leak by a State Department employee. The FBI affidavit used to obtain this information alleged the Fox News correspondent was a co-conspirator in the Espionage Act violations. The Obama administration has prosecuted more federal employees for national security leaks than all other presidents combined. These aggressive leak investigations and prosecutions deter whistleblowers from exposing government waste, fraud and abuse, and threaten press freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment. This Los Angeles Times article was based on original reporting by the Washington Post.
Read the original Washington Post article here: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-rare-peek-into-a-justice-department-leak-probe/2013/05/19/0bc473de-be5e-11e2-97d4-a479289a31f9_story.html
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