Voucher Ruling Leaves Opening for Discrimination

Affiliate: ACLU of Nevada
January 18, 2017 5:15 pm

ACLU Affiliate
ACLU of Nevada
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LAS VEGAS, Nevada – The Nevada Supreme Court declared Nevada’s voucher scheme to be unconstitutional and ordered the program to be permanently enjoined. We are disappointed that the District Court decided instead to institute an order that allows the State to continue to take steps towards implementing an unconstitutional and discriminatory program.

“If implemented, Nevada’s voucher program will enable state tax payer money to be funneled to private schools where discrimination against students and teachers on the basis of religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and disability occurs on a daily basis. Many of the voucher eligible schools will reject or dis-enroll a student who is LGBTQ, or whose parents are LGBTQ. As one voucher eligible school puts it, students must ‘refrain from participating . . . homosexuality or other sexual perversions . . .’ Moreover, many of these schools refuse to accommodate students with special needs, and will not accept a student unless they adhere to a certain faith,” said Amy Rose, legal director of the ACLU of Nevada.

Any Nevada voucher program for private schools that is funded with public money will promote segregation and discrimination—something expressly illegal in the public education system.