Want Police-Free Schools? Research + Advocacy Can Get You There!
Police in schools perpetuate chilling patterns of discrimination that harm and traumatize students and funnel them into the school-to-prison-and-deportation pipeline From local efforts to remove police from schools to advocating against the use of federal funding for school police, research can be a key tool for advocacy.
This ACLU virtual symposium “Research is Power: Leveraging Data for Police-Free Schools” showcases-world examples of this research in action. Featuring ACLU's current research on school policing from across the country and conversation with on-the-ground advocates and community members, the symposium demonstrates how research can be used to propel change. Real time graphic illustration from Drawing Change provides an engaging way to capture the key themes and learnings.
The presence of police in schools pose grave threats to our students’ civil rights and to their right to learn in safe and supportive environments and disproportionately harm Black, Brown, and Indigenous students with and without disabilities, as well as girls of color and LGBTQ+ youth. Watch the symposium to learn more about the data behind the impact of police in schools and what researchers and advocates can do to build towards safe, healthy, and police-free schools.