Women's Rights
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131 Women's Rights Cases

U.S. Supreme Court
Sep 2017
Women's Rights
+3 Issues
Epic Systems Co. v. Lewis; Ernst & Young v. Morris; National Labor Relations Board v. Murphy Oil
Whether employment agreements that prevent workers from taking “concerted” action to challenge workplace violations conflict with protections in federal labor law.
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U.S. Supreme Court
Sep 2017

Women's Rights
+3 Issues
Epic Systems Co. v. Lewis; Ernst & Young v. Morris; National Labor Relations Board v. Murphy Oil
Whether employment agreements that prevent workers from taking “concerted” action to challenge workplace violations conflict with protections in federal labor law.

Sep 2017
Women's Rights
Hicks v Tuscaloosa
Stephanie Hicks was a police officer working for the West Alabama Narcotics Task Force. Just eight days after Agent Hicks returned to work after her maternity leave, she was demoted to a position as a patrol officer.
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Sep 2017

Women's Rights
Hicks v Tuscaloosa
Stephanie Hicks was a police officer working for the West Alabama Narcotics Task Force. Just eight days after Agent Hicks returned to work after her maternity leave, she was demoted to a position as a patrol officer.

Aug 2017
Women's Rights
Alisha Coleman v. Bobby Dodd Institute
The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Georgia and co-counsel Buckley Beal LLP filed a brief in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that their client, Alisha Coleman, was subjected to unlawful workplace discrimination when she was fired for experiencing a heavy period, a symptom of premenopause.
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Aug 2017

Women's Rights
Alisha Coleman v. Bobby Dodd Institute
The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Georgia and co-counsel Buckley Beal LLP filed a brief in the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals arguing that their client, Alisha Coleman, was subjected to unlawful workplace discrimination when she was fired for experiencing a heavy period, a symptom of premenopause.

Court Case
Aug 2017
Women's Rights
Board of Trustees of the Village of Groton v. Pirro
The case involves Groton’s enforcement of its nuisance ordinance against a landlord based on calls for police service, circumstances that did not constitute criminal activity, and other unjustified grounds. The ACLU filed an amicus brief that highlighted the serious due process and First Amendment issues with the ordinance, as well as the impact of these ordinances on domestic violence survivors and people with disabilities.
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Court Case
Aug 2017

Women's Rights
Board of Trustees of the Village of Groton v. Pirro
The case involves Groton’s enforcement of its nuisance ordinance against a landlord based on calls for police service, circumstances that did not constitute criminal activity, and other unjustified grounds. The ACLU filed an amicus brief that highlighted the serious due process and First Amendment issues with the ordinance, as well as the impact of these ordinances on domestic violence survivors and people with disabilities.

Jun 2017
Women's Rights
J.P. Morgan Chase EEOC Complaint
The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Ohio and the employment law firm Outten & Golden LLP today filed a discrimination charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of a J.P. Morgan Chase (J.P. Morgan) employee who claims the company discriminated against him and other fathers by denying fathers paid parental leave on the same terms as mothers.
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Jun 2017

Women's Rights
J.P. Morgan Chase EEOC Complaint
The American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Ohio and the employment law firm Outten & Golden LLP today filed a discrimination charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) on behalf of a J.P. Morgan Chase (J.P. Morgan) employee who claims the company discriminated against him and other fathers by denying fathers paid parental leave on the same terms as mothers.