Internet Privacy
Sarkar v. Doe - PubPeer Subpoena Challenge
The ACLU filed a motion in Michigan state court challenging the constitutionality of a subpoena issued to the website PubPeer demanding that it turn over the identities of anonymous commenters. In March 2015, the trial judge ruled that PubPeer had to unmask one – but only one – of the commenters. Both PubPeer and the researcher appealed, and the ruling was upheld in December 2016.
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8 Internet Privacy Cases

Court Case
Jan 2020
Internet Privacy
ACLU v. US Department of Justice
The ACLU, ACLU of Northern California, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Stanford Law School’s Riana Pfefferkorn are petitioning to unseal a secret judicial ruling reportedly holding that the Department of Justice cannot force Facebook to alter Facebook Messenger in order to enable the FBI to conduct wiretaps in an investigation. The petition, initially filed in the Eastern District of California, argues that the First Amendment and common-law require public access to the legal ruling as well as to the docket sheet and certain other portions of the underlying proceeding.
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Court Case
Jan 2020

Internet Privacy
ACLU v. US Department of Justice
The ACLU, ACLU of Northern California, Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Stanford Law School’s Riana Pfefferkorn are petitioning to unseal a secret judicial ruling reportedly holding that the Department of Justice cannot force Facebook to alter Facebook Messenger in order to enable the FBI to conduct wiretaps in an investigation. The petition, initially filed in the Eastern District of California, argues that the First Amendment and common-law require public access to the legal ruling as well as to the docket sheet and certain other portions of the underlying proceeding.

Court Case
Apr 2016
Internet Privacy
ACLU v. DOJ – FOIA Lawsuit Demanding OLC Opinion on “Common Commercial Service Agreements”
The ACLU has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to compel the disclosure of a legal opinion authored by the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel. The lawsuit, filed in November 2015, enforces an earlier Freedom of Information Act request.
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Court Case
Apr 2016

Internet Privacy
ACLU v. DOJ – FOIA Lawsuit Demanding OLC Opinion on “Common Commercial Service Agreements”
The ACLU has filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to compel the disclosure of a legal opinion authored by the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel. The lawsuit, filed in November 2015, enforces an earlier Freedom of Information Act request.

North Carolina
Oct 2010
Internet Privacy
+2 Issues, LLC v. Kenneth R. Lay
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North Carolina
Oct 2010

Internet Privacy
+2 Issues