Ashcroft v. ACLU Feature
The Supreme Court struck down the Child Online Protection Act as an unconstitutional government attempt to censor free speech on the Internet.
"The Court ruling demonstrates that there are many less restrictive ways to protect children without sacrificing communication intended for adults," the ACLU said. "By upholding the order stopping Attorney General Ashcroft from enforcing this questionable federal law, the Court has made it safe for artists, sex educators, and web publishers to communicate with adults about sexuality without risking jail time."
Online Chat With ACLU Lead Counsel Ann Beeson on the Supreme Court's decision to Revisit COPA (10/14/2003)
Text of COPA (the law being ruled on by the Supreme Court)
1998 Justice Deptartment letter to Congress (expressing concerns about COPA legislation)
ACLU Letter on H.R. 4623, "Child Obscenity and Pornography Prevention Act of 2002"
List of Plaintiffs and their Web Sites
Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief
District court opinion (with findings of fact)
Materials from prior Supreme Court opinion
Materials from prior Third Circuit opinion
Supreme Court Upholds Block on Internet Censorship Law 6/29/2004
ACLU Returns to Supreme Court in Renewed Challenge to Internet Censorship Law 3/2/04
Ann Beeson, Christopher A. Hansen, and StevenR. Shapiro of the ACLU Foundation
Stefan Presser of the ACLU of Pennsylvania Foundation
David L. Sobel of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
Christopher R. Harris, Michele M. Pyle, and Mark H. Goldberg of Latham & Watkins
Lee Tien of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
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