
Medical Care in Immigrant Detention - Accounts and Testimony

Document Date: October 4, 2007

San Diego Correctional Facility> News: ACLU and Victims of Inadequate Medical Care in Immigration Detention Tell Congress to Prevent More Deaths (10/4/2007)
> Fact Sheet: ACLU Calls on Congress to Improve and Codify Immigration Detention Standards
> News: ACLU Sues Over Lack of Medical Treatment at San Diego Detention Facility (6/13/2007)

On October 4, 2007, the House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, Refugees, Border Security, and International Law will hear testimony on the issue of medical care in immigrant detention.

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June Everett, whose sister, Sandra Kenley, died while in the custody of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, talks about the circumstances surrounding her sister's arrest and detention, and how prison staff neglected to give Sandra her daily medication requirements to treat her high blood pressure and a hemorraghing fibroid. listen >>

Francisco Castaneda, a former immigrant detainee at the San Diego Correctional Facility, will testify before the committee. Upon entering the facility, Francisco notified medical staff that he suffered from a penile lesion. He received no treatment or diagnosis of the problem while detained. When he was finally released to get a biopsy of the lesion, he was informed it was cancerous, and his penis was removed a few days later. listen >>

Max Sevilla es un consultor legislativo para el ACLU. Lo entrevistamos sobre la preocupante falta de cuidado medico adecuado de inmigrantes confinados a centros de detención, y sobre los esfuerzos del ACLU para mejorar las condiciones de estos inmigrantes en custodia de ICE. listen >>

Max Sevillia is a legislative consultant for the ACLU. He discusses the deplorable state of medical care inside immigrant detention centers, and what the ACLU is doing to improve conditions for immigrants in ICE custody. listen >>

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Before the House Immigration Subcommittee Hearing "Detention and Removal: Immigration Detainee Medical Care"

Francisco Castaneda
Francisco Castaneda is a victim of inadequate medical detention, which resulted in the surgical removal of his penis as a result from untreated cancer ICE would not allow him to have treated

Edwidge Danticat
Edwidge Danticat is an acclaimed Haitian-American writer whose uncle, Rev. Joseph Dantica, a Haitian refugee, died in ICE detention

June Everett
June Everett is the sister of Sandra Kenley, who died in ICE detention as a result of inadequate medical care

Tom Jawetz
Tom Jawetz is the immigration detention staff attorney for the ACLU National Prison Project

Dr. Allen Keller
Dr. Allen Keller is the director of the NYU School of Medicine Center for Health and Human Rights

Cheryl Little
Cheryl Little is the executive director of the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center

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