
Torture Documents Released 12/15/2009

Document Date: December 16, 2009

> Letter to ACLU regarding DOD and OLC Documents Released 12/15/2009

> White House Situation Routing Sheet regarding Detainee Policy Draft 13 (5/23/2006)
> Memo from John Yoo and Robert Delahunty regarding Treaties and Laws Applicable to Captured Persons (11/31/2001)
> Response to the Preliminary Report of tbe ABA Task Force on Treatment of Enemy Combatants (1/26/2002)
> Partial Index of OLC Advice 2 (12/12/2007)
> Partial Index of OLC Advice 3 (12/12/2007)
> Partial Index of OLC Advice 4 (12/12/2007)
> Index of OLC Advice (12/12/2007)
> Partial Index of OLC Advice (12/12/2007)
> Index of OLC Memos Relating to the Fourth Geneva Convention (July-October 2004) (6/23/2004)
> Index of DOJ Advice on Interrogation (2/15/2008)
> Index of DOJ Legal Opinions (May 2005)
> Inventory of DOJ Advice on Interrogation (10/12/2007)
> DOJ Advice on Interrogation (12/12/2007)
> Letter from Steven Bradbury to CIA regarding Legality of Detainee Interrogation (7/24/2007)
> Inventory of OLC Advice on Interrogation (10/2/2007)
> National Security Council Fax Cover Sheet (8/14/2006)
> Steven G.Bradbury Testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's Classified Hearing on CIA Dentention and Interrogation Program (4/12/2007)
> Letter from Steven Bradbury to William Haynes regarding Army Field Manual (4/12/2006)
> Routing Slip to Jeff Taylor and Steven Bradbury (5/23/2006)
> Fax from Steven Bradbury to John Rizzo, CIA, regarding Q&A for Hearing (6/1/2006)
> Memo from Howard Nielson regarding "Protected Persons" (8/5/2005)
> National Security Council Fax to Alberto Gonazles Cover Sheet (11/21/2005)
> Letter from Jack Goldsmith to Scott Muller regarding "Protected Person" (6/23/2004)
> Letter from Steven Bradbury to CIA (5/20/2005)
> Letter from Jack Goldsmith to Scott Muller regarding "Protected Person" (6/23/2004)
> Memo from Jay Bybee regarding Applicability of Geneva Conventions (1/26/2002)
> Memo from John Yoo regarding John Walker Criminal Charges (12/12/2001)
> DOJ Office of Legal Counsel Opinions for 2003 (3/11/2004)
> Classified DOJ Legal Advice Regarding the CIA's Interrogation Program (4/29/2008)

> Memo from Donald Rumsfeld regarding Detention Metrics (7/27/2005)
> Memo from Paul Wolfowitz to Alberto Gonazles regarding Public Affairs Briefing on Detainee Policy (2/18/2004)
> Detainee Assessment Matrix (List of Guantanamo Detainees) (3/8/2007)
> Memo regarding Call for Closure of Guantánamo Bay Detention Facility (9/4/2008)

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