ACLU Statement Regarding Administration Plan to Deploy Elite Tactical Units to “Sanctuary Cities”

February 14, 2020 4:30 pm

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WASHINGTON — In the latest effort to pressure local law enforcement agencies to join its detention and deportation machine, the Trump administration now plans to send elite law enforcement tactical units into so-called “sanctuary cities” across the nation.

The following is a statement from Naureen Shah, senior policy and advocacy counsel on immigrants’ rights for American Civil Liberties Union:

“This is transparent retaliation against local governments for refusing to do the administration’s bidding. It will put lives at risk by further militarizing our streets. Local governments should not face reprisals for focusing on local community needs and using taxpayer money responsibly, instead of helping to deport and detain community members.

“For three years, the administration has systematically empowered and expanded Custom and Border Protection’s (CBP) authority, including by ramping up CBP’s budget. Now, far beyond the border, CBP agents are attempting to circumvent local law enforcement to police the nation with zero accountability. Deploying CBP agents into cities is a dangerous and wasteful use of resources that primarily harms communities of color.”

Learn More About the Issues in This Press Release