Race and Economic Justice
Fund for Empowerment v. Phoenix, City of
Fund for Empowerment is a challenge to the City of Phoenix’s practice of conducting sweeps of encampments without notice, issuing citations to unsheltered people for camping and sleeping on public property when they have no place else to go, and confiscating and destroying their property without notice or process.
Status: Ongoing
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13 Race and Economic Justice Cases

Court Case
May 2018
Race and Economic Justice
Racial Justice
NFHA v. Carson
The American Civil Liberties Union, along with a coalition of civil rights law firms, represent the National Fair Housing Alliance, Texas Low Income Housing Information Service, and Texas Appleseed in a federal lawsuit challenging HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s January 2018 decision to delay key portions of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule. The suit defends the AFFH Rule as a crucial tool for dismantling racial segregation and fair housing barriers for people of color, survivors of gender-based violence, people with disabilities, and low-income people.
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Court Case
May 2018

Race and Economic Justice
Racial Justice
NFHA v. Carson
The American Civil Liberties Union, along with a coalition of civil rights law firms, represent the National Fair Housing Alliance, Texas Low Income Housing Information Service, and Texas Appleseed in a federal lawsuit challenging HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s January 2018 decision to delay key portions of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Rule. The suit defends the AFFH Rule as a crucial tool for dismantling racial segregation and fair housing barriers for people of color, survivors of gender-based violence, people with disabilities, and low-income people.

Court Case
May 2018
Race and Economic Justice
Women's Rights
Bank of America v. City of Miami
Whether cities have standing to sue under the Fair Housing Act for the economic impact of discriminatory banking practices.
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Court Case
May 2018

Race and Economic Justice
Women's Rights
Bank of America v. City of Miami
Whether cities have standing to sue under the Fair Housing Act for the economic impact of discriminatory banking practices.

U.S. Supreme Court
Jun 2015
Race and Economic Justice
Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project
Whether housing policies that have a disproportionate impact on racial minorities and women violate the anti-discrimination provision of the federal Fair Housing Act.
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U.S. Supreme Court
Jun 2015

Race and Economic Justice
Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs v. Inclusive Communities Project
Whether housing policies that have a disproportionate impact on racial minorities and women violate the anti-discrimination provision of the federal Fair Housing Act.