
Abortion: Attempts to Ban Abortion

Document Date: December 12, 2011

In states across the country, we have seen ballot initiatives that attempt to give legal rights to fertilized eggs. These so-called personhood laws would ban all abortions and could potentially make common forms of birth control, like the Pill, illegal. Additionally these types of laws would interfere with doctors' ability to treat life-threatening pregnancies and miscarriages. These laws endanger a woman’s health, her ability to plan a family and are out of step with American values. They are clearly a case of government overstepping its bounds.

Shockingly, some states, have also introduced bills that would ban all abortions outright, in direct contradiction to Roe v. Wade. These efforts are unconstitutional and seek to take away access to safe, legal medical care.

Key Resources
> Nevada Court Halts Flawed Proposed Ballot Initiative Aimed At Interfering With Women's Private Health Care Decisions
> Chen et al. v. Personhood Nevada and Chen et al. v. Nevada ProLife Coalition
> A Dark Day for Women
> Core Civil Liberties Threatened in State Legislatures: Three Trends to Watch
> Sign the Pledge: I Stand In Support of Reproductive Rights!
> Legal Challenges to Personhood Initiatives

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