At Liberty is a weekly podcast that explores the most pressing civil rights and civil liberties questions of our time. Catch new episodes on Thursday at 9am ET.
April 26, 2022
Ask an Expert: What Is Free Speech?
This is "Ask an Expert," a special mini-series where our constitutional experts answer your civil rights and civil liberties questions. For our first edition, we are diving deep into Free Speech, and talking to expert Ben Wizner, the Director of the ACLU’s Speech, Privacy, and Technology project. Free Speech is...
Ask an Expert: What Is Free Speech?
This is "Ask an Expert," a special mini-series where our constitutional experts answer your civil rights and civil liberties questions. For our first edition, we are diving deep into Free Speech, and talking to expert...
February 3, 2022
The Movement to Erase Black History and Culture
February marks Black History Month, a time to recognize the significant achievements and culture of Black Americans–from bell hooks to Beyonce–and also to honor an accurate history about them, a history that we know is rife with discrimination and abuse -- think: slavery, Jim Crow, and the structural racism we’re...
The Movement to Erase Black History and Culture
February 3, 2022
The Movement to Erase Black History and Culture
The Movement to Erase Black History and CultureFebruary marks Black History Month, a time to recognize the significant achievements and culture of Black Americans–from bell hooks to Beyonce–and also to honor an accurate history about them, a history that we know is...
June 17, 2021
Defending Speech We Hate
Over the years, the ACLU’s commitment to the First Amendment has come under attack – both for the cases we take on and for those we don’t. At the ACLU, we are committed to protecting free speech for all – not just those with whom we agree. And that commitment...
Defending Speech We Hate
Over the years, the ACLU’s commitment to the First Amendment has come under attack – both for the cases we take on and for those we don’t. At the ACLU, we are committed to protecting...
April 27, 2021
Supreme Court Considers a Cheerleader's Free Speech
On April 28th, the Supreme Court will hear arguments for a case that has big implications for student free speech. The case involves then 14-year-old Brandi Levy, a cheerleader at Mahanoy Area High School in Pennsylvania, and her post on the social media platform, Snapchat. One of her cheerleading coaches...
Supreme Court Considers a Cheerleader's Free Speech
April 27, 2021
Supreme Court Considers a Cheerleader's Free Speech
Supreme Court Considers a Cheerleader's Free SpeechOn April 28th, the Supreme Court will hear arguments for a case that has big implications for student free speech. The case involves then 14-year-old Brandi Levy, a cheerleader at Mahanoy Area High School in...
January 28, 2021
What Does Free Speech Mean Online?
Weeks ago, President Trump was banned from nearly every social media platform because of his role in the events at the Capitol Building on January 6th. Just before Congress was set to certify Joe Biden as the next president of the United States, Trump instructed his supporters to, quote, “fight...
What Does Free Speech Mean Online?
Weeks ago, President Trump was banned from nearly every social media platform because of his role in the events at the Capitol Building on January 6th. Just before Congress was set to certify Joe Biden...
August 20, 2020
College Athletes and the Systems that Silence Them
Sports have long been an arena where civil rights and civil liberties questions have taken center stage: Track and field star Tommie Smith raised his fist for racial justice on the 1968 Olympic podium. Tennis great Billie Jean King fought for equal pay for women. And, Olympic runner Caster Semana...
College Athletes and the Systems that Silence Them
August 20, 2020
College Athletes and the Systems that Silence Them
College Athletes and the Systems that Silence ThemSports have long been an arena where civil rights and civil liberties questions have taken center stage: Track and field star Tommie Smith raised his fist for racial justice on the 1968 Olympic podium. Tennis...
June 11, 2020
Policing the Press: A Journalist on the Frontlines
Journalists covering protests against police brutality across the country are facing an influx of violence, suppression efforts, and arrests by police. According to The U.S. Press Freedom tracker, there have been over 300 claims of violations to press freedoms since the protests began. These violations include being assaulted with pepper...
Policing the Press: A Journalist on the Frontlines
June 11, 2020
Policing the Press: A Journalist on the Frontlines
Policing the Press: A Journalist on the FrontlinesJournalists covering protests against police brutality across the country are facing an influx of violence, suppression efforts, and arrests by police. According to The U.S. Press Freedom tracker, there have been over 300 claims of...
May 14, 2020
DeRay McKesson on the Threat to Protesters' Rights
Over the last few weeks, various protests have erupted across the country in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some are related to the virus: protestors in Ohio and Michigan took to the state capitols to call for an end to their governors' stay-at-home orders. Others are calling out an...
DeRay McKesson on the Threat to Protesters' Rights
May 14, 2020
DeRay McKesson on the Threat to Protesters' Rights
DeRay McKesson on the Threat to Protesters' RightsOver the last few weeks, various protests have erupted across the country in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some are related to the virus: protestors in Ohio and Michigan took to the state capitols...
July 25, 2019
The Constitution Gets the Broadway Treatment
Heidi Schreck is the writer and star of Broadway’s “What the Constitution Means to Me.” The play, which was nominated for two Tonys and was a Pulitzer finalist, was inspired by Schreck’s experience as a teenager competing in debates about the Constitution at American Legion halls across the country. As...
The Constitution Gets the Broadway Treatment
July 25, 2019
The Constitution Gets the Broadway Treatment
The Constitution Gets the Broadway TreatmentHeidi Schreck is the writer and star of Broadway’s “What the Constitution Means to Me.” The play, which was nominated for two Tonys and was a Pulitzer finalist, was inspired by Schreck’s experience as a...
July 2, 2019
The ACLU’s Legal Director Reflects on the Supreme Court’s Last Term
It was another dramatic year for the Supreme Court. A new justice was sworn in against the backdrop of scandal. A beloved justice got sick and recovered. And, of course, major precedent-setting decisions were handed down. David Cole, the ACLU’s legal director and a seasoned Supreme Court litigator makes sense...
The ACLU’s Legal Director Reflects on the Supreme Court’s Last Term
July 2, 2019
The ACLU’s Legal Director Reflects on the Supreme Court’s Last Term
The ACLU’s Legal Director Reflects on the Supreme Court’s Last TermIt was another dramatic year for the Supreme Court. A new justice was sworn in against the backdrop of scandal. A beloved justice got sick and recovered. And, of course, major precedent-setting decisions were handed...