May 23, 2024
ACLU Responds to Reintroduction of George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, Calls on Congress to Address Police Brutality
WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) reintroduced the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. This Saturday marks the tragic 4-year anniversary of the murder of Georg...
May 16, 2024
ACLU Applauds President Biden’s Announcement to Reclassify Marijuana, Calls for More Reform
WASHINGTON – President Biden announced today that he plans to reschedule marijuana into a category of controlled substances that have a currently accepted medical use and only a ...
May 10, 2024
Experts in Community Safety Join ACLU in Calls for Congress to Improve Public Safety with Evidence-Based Solutions
WASHINGTON – The American Civil Liberties Union hosted a series of congressional briefings this week in collaboration with Rep. Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (D-Va.), as part of th...
Issue Areas: Criminal Law Reform
May 06, 2024
Class-Action Lawsuit Challenges Discriminatory Post-Conviction Supervision System in Washington, D.C.
Complaint alleges federal agencies administering parole and supervised release system in D.C. break disability law
Apr 30, 2024
New Report Finds Harassment & Mistreatment Fuels Mistrust Among LGBTQ People Towards Police
NEW YORK – Widespread mistreatment and harassment by law enforcement continues to sow doubt and mistrust of police among LGBTQ+ people, according to a new analysis, despite LGBTQ...
Image of the Statue of Liberty

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