This report provides a first-ever national ACLU account of the suffering prisoners with physical disabilities experience in solitary confinement. It spotlights the dangers for blind people, Deaf people, people who are unable to walk without assistance, and people with other physical disabilities who are being held in small cells for 22 hours a day or longer, for days, months, and even years. Solitary confinement is a punishing environment that endangers the well-being of people with physical disabilities and often violates the Americans with Disabilities Act. The report’s revelations about the particular harms of solitary on people with physical disabilities shows the urgent need for far better accounting of the problems they face and the development of solutions to those problems.
Report Resources (from the appendices):
List of Organizations (from section I.A.)
An Overview of the ADA Regulations (from section I.B.)
Know Your Rights: Legal Rights of Prisoners with Disabilities (from section II)
Further Reflections from Disability Rights Advocates (from section III)
Further Recommendations for Protecting Rights of Incarcerated Persons with Disabilities (from section IV)