News & Commentary written by Chase Strangio

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Chase Strangio


ACLU LGBTQ & HIV Rights Project


Chase Strangio is Co-Director for Transgender Justice with the ACLU’s LGBT & HIV Project and a nationally recognized expert on transgender rights. Chase’s work includes impact litigation, as well as legislative and administrative advocacy, on behalf of LGBTQ people and people living with HIV across the United States.

Prior to joining the ACLU, Chase was an Equal Justice Works fellow and the Director of Prisoner Justice Initiatives at the Sylvia Rivera Law Project, where he represented transgender and gender non-conforming individuals in confinement settings. In 2012, Chase co-founded the Lorena Borjas Community Fund, an organization that provides direct bail/bond assistance to LGBTQ immigrants in criminal and immigration cases. Chase is a graduate of Northeastern University School of Law and Grinnell College.

Chase is counsel in the ACLU’s challenge to North Carolina’s notorious HB2, Carcaño, et al. v. Cooper, et al, the ACLU’s challenge to Trump’s trans military ban, Stone v. Trump, and the case of Aimee Stephens, R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes v EEOC, which will be heard by the Supreme Court in October 2019.

Selected Appearances:

Rachel Maddow, Vice, NowThis, PBC NewsHour, Democracy Now, Pod Save America

Selected Commentary:

What Is a “Male Body”?, Slate; The new war on identity politics is actually a very old way of repressing marginalized Americans, Quartz; To My Fellow White Others, The Progressive; Martina Navratilova Is Breaking My Heart, The Advocate

Awards & Honors:

Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Fellow (2018-19); Association of LGBTQ Journalists, Excellence in Opinion/Editorial Writing Award (2018); Honorary Degree recipient, Grinnell College (May 2018); National LGBT Bar Association, Top 40 LGBT Lawyers Under 40 (2018); Northeastern University School of Law Daynard Distinguished Visiting Fellow (Winter 2018); Callen-Lorde Community Health Award Recipient (November 2017); BitchMedia “Bitch 50” Recognition of 50 individuals who have used their “creative or political power to further advance visibility, equality, or access for marginal folks.” (Summer 2017); NBCOut #Pride30 Recipient (Summer 2017); Sylvia Rivera Law Project Attorneys and Advocates Award recipient (2015); New York City Council Outstanding LGBT Champion recognition (June 2014); Trans100 Recipient (2014)