
Community Control Over Police Surveillance - Resource Library

Document Date: July 20, 2020

Read The ACLU’s CCOPS Model Bill


Why We Need CCOPS: Surveillance, Racism, Trump, and More

[BLOG] Help Wanted: How You Can Act Locally To Stymie Trump’s Agenda

[BLOG] Let There Be Light: Cities Across America Are Pushing Back Against Secret Surveillance by Police

Racial Disparities in Police 'Stingray' Surveillance, Mapped (CityLab)

[VIDEO] How Face Surveillance Threatens Your Privacy And Freedom (ACLU-MA via TED Talk)

[BLOG] Why we don’t know as much as we should about police surveillance technology

[BLOG] Communities come face-to-face with the growing power of facial recognition technology

[BLOG] Surveillance isn't security, no matter how it's sold (ACLU-MICHIGAN)

[VIDEO] Chad Marlow ACLU POST Act Testimony

[BLOG] How to Stop ‘Smart Cities’ From Becoming ‘Surveillance Cities’

CCOPS Campaign: Resources & Information for Advocates

ACLU-NorCal CCOPS local campaign guide

[VIDEO] Turning The Tide On Police Surveillance (New America featuring ACLU)

[BLOG] Emails Show Surveillance Oversight Laws Can Stop Secret Police-Amazon Agreements In Their Tracks (ACLU-MA)

CCOPS Campaign: Sample Media Coverage

[BLOG] New York Times POST Act endorsement

BLOG] Inside the ACLU’s nationwide campaign to curb police surveillance

[BLOG] Local Governments Shine Light on Public Surveillance

[BLOG] These laws make police get public buy-in on surveillance tools

When It Comes to Surveillance, Watch the Watchmen (CATO Institute endorsement of CCOPS effort)

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