
Tips: What You Can Do To Make Schools Safer

Document Date: April 5, 2001

In the Classroom

  • Establish classroom guidelines about name-calling
  • Respect different points of view
  • Address all name-calling immediately
  • Take advantage of teachable moments
  • Make no assumptions about students' families or their sexual orientation
  • Recognize all family structures
  • Educate using correct terminology
  • Use sexual orientation neutral language
  • Include LGBT books in the library
  • Put up positive visuals and images
  • Incorporate lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues in curriculum if appropriate

On Campus

  • Schedule staff development addressing LGBT issues
  • Establish clear campus-wide anti-slur policy
  • Address name-calling immediately
  • Put up positive images and resources
  • Include LGBT books in the library
  • Have diversity days that are inclusive of LGBT people
  • Celebrate the achievements of LGBT community
  • Review school forms for sensitivity to diverse family structures
  • Be inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues
  • Support student efforts to create a gay/straight alliance

In the District

  • Include sexual orientation in all anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies
  • Create district-wide anti-slur policies
  • Educate administrators regarding LGBT student issues
  • Educate all staff on legal obligations and responsibilities
  • Commit resources to address LGBT issues

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