After a successful joint Judiciary Committee vote this week, the Marriage Equality bill (LD 1020) goes to the Senate floor for a vote TODAY. The Senate consists of 20 Democrats and 15 Republicans, with a simple majority needed to pass…so the magic number is 18.
Once we get through the Senate, it is on to the House for a full floor vote. Then, on to the Governor – who has not declared support for this bill. Our partners at Equality Maine dropped off 10,000 postcards to the Governor this week. But that is not enough. We need a full court press – so if you have friends, family, colleagues in Maine, please ask them to start calling the Governor’s office now. (And if you have connections to Maine yourself, but don’t live there – your voice should be heard too!).
Governor Baldacci may be contacted by calling 207-287-3531 or emailing: (remember to include “Support Marriage Equality – YES on LD 1020” in the subject line).
Together, we have come this far. Now we need you to stay in the game – and recruit others. Let’s score one for equality!
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