ACLU Welcomes Announcement by ND Senators
Friday, April 30, 1999
WASHINGTON -- The American Civil Liberties Union said today that it is heartened by the announcement by North Dakota's two senators that they will vote against the proposed "Flag Desecration Constitutional Amendment," but warned that the fight to protect the Bill of Rights is nowhere near over.
In floor statements today, Sens. Kent Conrad and Byron Dorgan said today that they will once again cast their votes for the Bill of Rights and against the proposed constitutional amendment (SJ Res 14). They instead introduced with two Republican Senators -- Mitchell McConnell of Kentucky and Robert Bennett of Utah -- new legislation called the Flag Protection Act of 1999.
"We are certainly pleased that Senators Conrad and Dorgan have announced that they are opposed to a constitutional amendment," said Terri Schroeder, a legislative analyst for the ACLU.
But Schroeder added that the amendment is still dangerously close to becoming a part of our Constitution. "Supporters of the measure continue to pour millions of dollars into their campaign," she said. "It would be a grave mistake for opponents of the measure to lessen our efforts to defeat the amendment.
"We will show our thanks to Senators Dorgan and Conrad by redoubling our efforts to urge other Senators and Representatives to defeat this amendment," Schroeder concluded.
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