How You Can Help the ACLU Defend Civil Liberties

Every day across the nation, the ACLU is called on to defend all the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

There's never been a more important time for freedom-loving people to support the ACLU and our effective work to protect civil liberties.

Take your stand and help us defend people’s rights. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Become a Member of the ACLU

Our rights depend on our willingness to defend them. By joining the ACLU today, you'll be doing your part to restore American values of justice, due process and individual freedoms.

Renew Your ACLU Membership

Keeping your membership current is a great way to help the ACLU. Renew your membership today to continue helping to defend civil liberties and the fundamental principles of our Constitution.

Set Up a Monthly Gift to Help the ACLU Protect Civil Liberties

By joining the Guardians of Liberty program, monthly gifts of $25, $20, or as little as $10 can provide the support we need to continue to fight for all our freedoms.

Donate in Response to Threats Against Civil Liberties

The need has never been greater for freedom-loving people to support the ACLU. Your additional gift will help protect our cherished liberties. When you become aware of a threat, turn feelings of uncertainty into action by helping the ACLU through a one-time donation.

Donate to the ACLU Foundation

Help spearhead groundbreaking civil liberties litigation and public education by making a tax-deductible gift to the ACLU Foundation.

Gifts by Check

If you’d like to send a check to the ACLU, please address it to the ACLU c/o the Gift Processing Department, 125 Broad Street, 18th Floor, New York, NY 10004. Please designate if it is a gift to the American Civil Liberties Union or the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation. Learn about the difference here.

Ways to Help the ACLU Protect Your Rights

For individuals, there are even more ways to give to the ACLU. If you have resources you would like to contribute to protecting civil liberties, we are prepared to walk you through the process of making a gift in a number of ways, including gifts of stock, giving through your will, memorial or honor gifts to the ACLU and more.

Thank you for your interest in donating a portion of proceeds to the ACLU! We’re grateful that you’d like to share our mission with your customers.

If you are an individual producing an independent project, below are some important guidelines to consider before beginning your promotion.


Guidelines for Donating a Portion of Business Proceeds to the ACLU:

  • Disclose to customers the exact amount of those proceeds that will be donated to the ACLU at the point of sale. For example, “$5 per item sold will be donated to the ACLU” or “10% of gross sales will be donated to the ACLU.”
  • Freely use the ACLU name, but if customers might mistake your business or promotion to be affiliated with the ACLU in any way, please include a disclaimer indicating that you are not an affiliated entity.
  • The ACLU cannot promote or otherwise endorse your product.
  • Request written permission to use the ACLU’s logo by contacting Unfortunately, we can only allow logo usage for a limited number of large or high-impact campaigns.

For inquiries regarding brand partnerships, please contact Please note that due to volume, we are not able to respond to all requests.

  • Charity Navigator: The ACLU boasts a four-out-of-four-star Charity Navigator rating, outperforming most non-profits and exceeding industry standards.
  • GuideStar: The ACLU is a trusted GuideStar Exchange Gold participant.
  • Better Business Bureau: The ACLU also meets the highest standards of The Wise Giving Alliance of the Better Business Bureau.