Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do I have to choose a gift amount now?
A. No. A popular choice is stating a gift as a percentage, which will automatically adjust no matter what the future may bring.
Q. How can I provide for my family and at the same time support the causes that are important in my life?
A. Many people put aside a percentage -- which could be 10% or 20% -- for their favorite causes, while still leaving a large majority of their assets to family and friends. Or you could choose to make a charitable gift of whatever balance remains in a retirement account, which also saves on taxes. Please follow the below link for details.
Q. How can I put my spouse or partner first-in-line?
A. You can ensure that your gift is made only after you know the assets won't be needed by your spouse or partner. Please follow the below link for details.
"Get Started" below to learn about the easy and effective ways to make a meaningful charitable gift.